Last Night I Had A Dream Poem by Bullion Grey

Last Night I Had A Dream

Not to alarm or alert any soul,
but in the mit of the night I had a dream.

Seemed very much more than that,
but I am limited within this space, so I won't call it a vision.

I saw far over, up high in the sky, I saw the entire country wide,
in a darkly shaded night time, both coasts could be seen,
west and east. Our country was alit with activity and all seemed strange. Then as I watched from way up high, the sight of masses approaching west and east coasts of America.

Thousands of refugees, more than that, hundreds of thousands on the ocean heading towards our shores, ALL at the same time.
I saw a date and it said 2015, I was amazed and in awe at this sight.

Then just before this experience ended, I heard a soft male voice
telling me that all of these people were unarmed and were coming
with white flags of peace. The voice said one hundred million approached on each coast - west and east. Small boats and large
all filled to capacity with entire families all floating up to our shores.

Unexpected millions of immigrants arriving - surprising Americans every where. None with guns or bombs or any type of weapons, just coming in mass to our shores.

Then I woke, it was early around five,
and I was unable to since get it out of my mind.
This dream I had and now share with you.

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