Laughter & Joy Poem by sarah tena

Laughter & Joy

It was exactly 10: 00 am when I went home but instead
I went to the hospital to see my sister who just had her baby
It was about 10: 30 when my baby niece Andrea woke up
She was staring at me like a feared mother would stare at someone my mom handed her to me so
I could carry her I was scared and joyful at the same time
I was scared to her hurt or dropp her so she is as fragile as glass I set her down in the
Baby crib she was in as I set her down she held my finger really tight like rubber band around my finger
And then she smiled at me her smile was as bright as the sun I told my mom but she didn't believe me That made my day I felt special so I wanted to prove them that she did smile
So I waited for her to wake up I waited patiently for her to wake up
1 hour later she woke so I go up to her to see if she would smile again and she did
So I called my parents and she kept smiling at me for like 10 seconds and then
She started to cry because she was hungry so I fed her as she fell asleep in my hands.

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