Laws To Consider-Cauchy3 Poem by cheung shun sang

Laws To Consider-Cauchy3

Bubbles laws as in realities they are spread.
Satisfy your powers like nukes.
Splitting factors are land to earth.
Gears on airs are no free skulls.

Wires and hooks are slides and rules.
Lang lays are to dark spaces.
Trough and tensions are spots used.
Probe to politics are sweet candies.

Ten spots are word jails.
Ten strikes are tent poles.
A follower camp is claimed.
Land whistles are for lap dogs.

Pinions on wheels are small timers.
Opinions in series marks are big.
Build your laps and joints to evils.
Build your laps are devils tails.

All winding are copied courses.
Lapel powers are labeled laws.
Kings are chairs with musical counts.
Octaves are songs to crown at large.

Scaled panels do not set free.
Lasers compressions are red lights.
A night of fusions cut my wheels.
Last in but first out are bad winds.

Needles are meters with mono-powers.
Fixations are latencies on power manic.
Ambitious powers are weights in tons.
Periods in red are times on stages.

Laws on stages do not call our choices.
Front on foils with evils joys.
Bad dreams are bully contents.
Bad morals are lost to consider.
--Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3--


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