Leave The Makeup Off Poem by Benjamin Davis

Leave The Makeup Off

Did you know that you possessed an inner glow?
or that you are a wonderful sight for sore eyes to see
but you cover it up so the true you doesn't show
when you should be proud of your natural beauty.
Believe me its true, when ever people see you
they are amazed by the beauty that they have seen
there is really no contest you are far lovelier than the rest
for you are a genuine natural born beauty queen.
So why do you put makeup on your face
which conceals your rare but lovely completion?
it wouldn't matter to me if you weren't so lovely to see
because you'd still get all of my love and affection.
Unlike others I met, whether its hot, cold, or wet
your beauty is quite radiant in every season
it should not bother you if you have a mole or two
I mean, they are called beauty marks for a reason.
I really don't mind your wearing lipstick too much
although your lips look quite fine with out it
someday some one could create a makeup as good
as your natural beauty, but I seriously doubt it.
Your eyes are beautiful, your face is perfectly shaped
and your lips are firm but kiss-ably soft
I am as happy as I can be with the you that I see
so please just leave the makeup off.
Benjamin Macieo Davis

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty
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