Legacy Of Fallen Data Poem by Lovita Morang

Legacy Of Fallen Data

Legacy of fallen data

Worshipped deities to protect my clan,
Believed in all, yet I wait to see and be seen,
That I have not seen, I have not sinned,
Like all that
Benevolent, malevolent they say all together land
From nowhere that Ill powered donned in zaded jewel
They are invisible but not blind
We are visible but blind
They can see us
We can never eye sight them
In helm in any realm
We cannot escape these evil
Bad grandpa bad, you scared us
You made housefly fall into our gaping mouth
How hungry eyed demon we were for tales,
Folk of the valley, valent
Few in uniform won talent, few gallant
Gallop like horses, few who can make other horses
Hog the river.
Yet, evils are thirsty.
Evil enters.
Together the bamboo grass was cut to shut them off
Each house invoked, sacred chants rants
Totem of trust, thrush the canned worms
The bamboo fence was strong enough,
to chase evils away,
Wise men got some herbs, to heal the killed will
and would wave at the stars in the sky
Then would wave at the wind,
Then, command the heroes of the clan to go
To find wonder
Isn't that wonderful to find just a place
Bit by bit gathering the piecemeal
Isn't it wonderful to find just a pace
Bite by bite to eat a meal in Peace.
Legacy, all I left behind is rich,
But, i lost all the data, in between the ditch,
Screech, scratch all the legacy of fallen data, bewitched.

-Lovita J R Morang

Monday, September 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life
In search of sun, we forget to see the sun
Abhilash Govil 24 September 2018

So well penned down....good to have come across n got a chance to have a read at it...👌

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Lovita Morang

Lovita Morang

Arunachal, Assam, india
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