Let Go Of That Dream Poem by Jona PoloRamirez

Let Go Of That Dream

'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their
dreams.' by Eleanor Roosevelt

Let go of that dream...
For it's not yours to spin...
Pain on the other end...
Waiting to creep in...

The path you've taken - a mist of clouds reigns
So leave that dream up high - hang it in the air,
Life is not meant for misery to claim, as always
Make sense of what has been looming in the dim,
Dark nook down yonder- a springboard to learning
A choice you have had - too much to take in.

A brighter nook, a test of strenght in mind
A thought that was there wanting to expire,
Dream to spun, wishes to fly...
Where to land - a space there is none.

Let go - that stubborn dream in your mind
And flow with the white clouds up yon' high,
Ride with the clouds, let the angels be your guide
A choice to have, yet a choice you must.

Let go of the stubborn dream, it's not worth your while
For beyond those clouds new dreams abide,
Millions of stars do shine in our lives
Catch one and hitch it up - a new dream in your heart.

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