Let Us Scream Poem by Majid Gaggi

Let Us Scream

Let us scream
with our loud voice
My dear lovers
In our land
Yes let us yell and say
Repent, our kingdom is near
And prepared for him
Ways and ways
Straight and straight
After we packed our land
And filled with colors and colors
Of hatred, evil, hatred, and gossip
After our land became a forest
Yes forest bullying
Who thinks himself strong?
On all peaceful one
He tries not to even take it away
His Freedom and life
Here are a thousand voices and a voice
Yelling and complaining in the heights
Of Injustice and arbitrariness
His murderers and oppressors
As Abel's voice screamed
The injustice and abuse of his brother Cain
We are unjust and unjust
Yes my dear brothers
Enough is enough
It is overflowing
The kilt did not just float
But it hit the torrent
Most of the customer
After the disappeared and left
Of Both ideals and values
Good humanity
From our land
And came and attended it
Colors and colors
Of qualities and values
Strange and intruder
And the result was
Great and great calamities
And overturn neighbor and friend of yesterday
In a moment of time and inaction
To a beast that is evil
Waiting for opportunities to break
On his neighbor and his friend
No mercy and pity
Peace and not affection
Stay and remain in our land
My dear love
Let us first pity ourselves
And to the mercy of others
Let's get a little bit
On each other
To fill our hearts with affection and love
To live my brothers
As he wanted us
Our Heavenly Father
In Security and peace,
Joy and love,
And Harmony

Majid Gaggi

Let Us Scream
Monday, March 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: hope
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