Letter From Your Nation Pt2l Poem by james d nall,jr

Letter From Your Nation Pt2l

President Barack Obama, This Letter is from the Common Man
How hard it must be, Our problems, For you to understand
Bailing out Corporations And Banks, With Hundreds Of Millions
While Continuing In Iraq, To spend Dollars in the Trillions
Fighting useless Battles, Accomplishing Absolutely Nothing
Watcing Our Homes Being Foreclosed, and Us Starving
Bureaucrats Dine On Steak and Beluga Caviar
We struggle to find the cash to put Gas in Our Cars

The Solution, I think, That Would Help Us All
Would Be For The Government To Get Back On the Ball
Withdraw from this Winless War, That kills our Soldiers
Try Helping Your Own Countrymen, That would be Bolder
Put America Back in its Rightful Place
Rescue this Nation From Economic Disgrace

Make us proud of your every new bill
So your Office, We don't Have to Refill
If something doesn't change and We mean Quick
A new President, Will this Country Pick
Sir, this Request For you, I beseech
If things don't change soon, You face being Impeached
The common man, Working Class Americans
Will not Stand for anymore Lying Politicians

We built this country, with taxes and hard work
So do us all a favor, Don't be like the last Jerk
Helping your Countrymen One and All
Will guarantee your still in office, come fall
Is it Too much to ask, The Leader of this Nation
Too come to the rescue, with a little Salvation

The Working Man is The Foundation of Tax
But we are the first, To Be Victims of the Axe
Bankrupt Us all, As you Bail out Big Business
Spend money on worthless Causes in Excess
You'll only Succeed in accomplishing one thing
Forcing Your Nation Into Civil Warring

Take this Letter to heart, The Advice Is Priceless
The Actions you Take, Equal Failure Or Success

james d nall,jr

james d nall,jr

blackshear, georgia
Error Success