Letter To Daughter # 2 Poem by Uloia Norris Moore

Letter To Daughter # 2

Rating: 5.0

Dearest child of mine
to day was a good day

Close to Halloween
must not miss the
tricking of the treat
to kiss the delving
of the hand in bag

The treat so sweet
upon your tongue
happy grasp
all that you can
few more day's

You will run with they
whom spread such
rare delight in seeing
little people grow so
bright knowing no thought
inside each bowl
until your bag is full

You now spread
your happiness out
or your tummy
will ac-ke or so it's told

Yet I to when once upon a child
ignored such advice eat
be merry happy inside
for three hundred sixty four days
must you wait for your treats

Happy gathering just don't miss

From I your loving Father


Yet I to when once upon a child ignored such advice eat be merry happy inside for three hundred sixty four days must you wait for your treats love you dad she says 10

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x... x... 11 October 2007

In these words daughter # 2 as well as any others will always cherish the thought of how much their Father loved them....Nice, whimsical write......marci. :) ~~

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Uloia Norris Moore

Uloia Norris Moore

Southern United States
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