Lies Poem by Lisa Knipe


What does a lie actually mean? Does it mean you're not honest? Does it mean you give a wrong impression? Does it mean you lie for some attention? I don't know what a lie is, but I do we all do it for one thing or another.We all tell lies to get us out of tough situations, but what if we tell them too often and they get us into more trouble than before. You all moan at each other for lying to your so-called ‘friends' but what if they lie to you. And then you tell them to stop lying and they drag up the past and the same old lies from the past.You lied far too often so I can't tell the truth from the wrong, so why cant you understand I don't want to talk to you anymore. I may have lied in the past but that's in the past but that's in the past get over it. But you're lying to my face; I can tell because you aren't even talking you're shouting the odds.‘Oh you lied about this, you lied about that. So why do you think you're so perfect? ' Listen to me, yes I know I lied but it's in the past where it should stay. You don't give up with the old, boring same lies so fucking just leave the past in the past. I know aint perfect but am I complaining though? ! So now tell me again what a lie is? ! What's that I can't hear you? ! Oh, my word you cant because you've heard the truth for the first time in a long time! !

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