Life Is A Journey Poem by Pavan Medheramitla

Life Is A Journey

Never expect the rose petals on your way
Be prepared for the hard and sharp rocks
Life isn't a journey where you can walk away
It's a voyage packed with full of twists and shocks

With every passing mile you earn something
You like it or not you have to carry in backpack
When you are tired and your hopes are breaking
Unpack your backpack and crunch few as a snack

Many people may come on your way very often
But very few will remain through the expedition
Even sometimes you will be left all alone like a orphan
No offense isolation is the fruit of modern civilization

Never get stuck for rest in any comfort zone
Push yourself through the hardest hurdle
Even if blood oozes out knocking on a stone
Keep yourself ahead and be a role model

Time will always try to chase you like a shadow
And shall push you behind if you are negligent
Be always well prepared for the unknown tomorrow
And fill your day with life to live every moment

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: journey,life and death
Luddy 28 January 2018

Beautiful 😊 it's what I need to hear, Ty

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Luddy 28 January 2018

Beautiful 😊 it's what I need to hear, Ty

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Manonton Dalan 23 December 2015

.... that nobody ever return.... nice poem thanks

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Pavan Medheramitla 23 December 2015

Thank you :)

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Nosheen Irfan 23 December 2015

Good advice, Nice rhythm. keep it up.

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