Life, Love, And A Second Chance Poem by Manager Poet

Life, Love, And A Second Chance

As I write, I reflect upon my blessed life.
I use to be a husband and had a lovely wife.
No one is perfect in life or love, not even me.
As a couple, we were in the bourgeoisie.

She once wrote, “Let’s focus on the children.”
To that end, I give a hearty, “Amen.”
Children universally deserve a second chance.
Adults, however, get a different stance.

I’ve discovered love never really does die.
Love just goes dormant, unable to say “good-bye.”
Spending a third of one’s life with another is no small task.
“How do I get the feelings back? ” she asked.

Feelings may come and feelings may go.
Love is willing to take risks is all that I know.
The Word tells us how love really must be.
It is not about controlling another that's plain to me.

Going through a divorce scars one and all.
The love of money makes us all so very small.
A blended family is not how it should end.
Perhaps there is still more to learn, let’s not pretend.

Sporting teams have cheerleaders and I know why.
Negative people can influence a relationship in peril to die.
We’ve heard blood is thicker than water in any relationship.
Listening to family and not one’s children was in the script.

As we age we all certainly change each and every day.
God is the only constant and He is with me all the way.
Time has a way to heal our broken hearts you will see.
God blessed our marriage with a quantity of three.

Being who I am, I repented of what I had done.
Refusing to be a victim is a way of life that’s just begun.
Victims never learn and they certainly never grow.
A victim’s spirit will dwell deep, deep, in regions below.

Only my loving daughter and one elder worked with us.
It’s funny how few really cared, but I’ll not fuss.
People sit on the sidelines and watch and wait.
The good shepherd went after the sheep and didn’t hesitate.

So many seasoned and well-educated Christians do nothing so often.
They don’t acknowledge the existence of death till you’re in the coffin.
No one is perfect here on this earth, not even this man of 52.
However, I can honestly say that I did all that I could do.

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