Life Without Love Poem by Tom Zart

Life Without Love

Where are the women who need a good man
Where are the women with love in their hand?
Where are the children who played on the lawn
Where are the children when mom and dad are gone?

What about the marriage that began with smiles
What about the marriage that ended in trials?
What about the future of all involved
What about the problems that must be solved?

Answer these questions that tear at my heart
Answer these questions that keep us apart.

Life without love isn’t living at all
Everyone needs someone who waits for their call.
The world has its givers and those who take
Life can be hurtful when loves a mistake.

Sometimes we question what we do wrong
Sometimes God’s answers are the words of a song.
The outcome of others we witness each day
For any who seek love we humbly pray.

Answer these questions that tear at my heart
Answer these questions that keep us apart.

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By God’s Poet
Tom Zart
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Shakil Ahmed 14 October 2015

your questions are real and relevant, well-composed poem. thanks for sharing, if you find time please read some of my poems and leave your comments.

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