Light And Yin Poem by Varna Soyokaze

Light And Yin

Spring was Lost, but the sakura made way through the frost.
The nights were long, but still warm and where you belong,
The fireworks stayed in my eyes from past, like memories that wouldn't last

Still through the smoke, and mist, I was reminded of you.
You sank into your thoughts, I read you.
You wanted to stay in the dark, still I wanted to see you
Before I knew it, I was caught off guard by you.

The next season's are unknown, the next story untold,
Your image still lingers
Who I am? What you think? Are still secrets
Secrets still left untold

As the wind blows and the Light calls,
I think back
Rain, Autumn, Winter, Spring
And I still have you by my side

It's a possibility of to be or not to be,
And a leap of faith for us to see
It's a possibility an offer made in vain,
Or maybe a song to wipe out the pain

I don't want to think so much
I don't want to wait before I say
I don't want to be blinded by fears.

I want to give it a try like you said
I want to take chances like you said
I want to make choices that lead to a new story

I will overthink a million times
I will think back a billion times
But I won't miss this chance for a trillionth time

For the sake of what could be,
Would you let me eat your Heart?

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