Light From Many Lamps Poem by Thati pramod sai

Light From Many Lamps

Sometimes i wake up abruptly
Witnessing a nightmare
Where a child trapped in darkness
Crying aganoisingy under wheels of time
Where ignorance rained like a rhyme
Though i walked on the same path everyday
Never i cared or dared nor shared
To see the happess lad on road
A mother carrying helpless load
A child burried in poverty mode
Witnessing death sans food
A new born baby motionless in blood
A prisoner filled with darkness
A reason left without sparkness
A treason left loose in shackles
My mother crying in darkness
Where knowledge became a commodity
Intellect became a slave
Everyone became convicts
Jailed in unknown dialects
Never i dared or cared nor shared
But once i decided
To step into that darkness
Liberating the lamp buried deep inside me
Walking towards the light
Waking from the grave
decided to fight
With wings of fire and fury
Tried to walk the way in hay
Thorns and bushes never stopped to stay
Alas! I reached at a choking point in life
Being a prisoner in walls of times
Only to realise its not enough
Liffted head to witness
Far away Lamps moving lonely like fireflies
This word is small but our hearts are big
As big as cosmos to light a lamp together
For being born blessed to lend a hand
There's a heavy wind from future
To putoff the fire that lit the lamp
Moved I with care and passion
To light it up more everyday with reason
Stars started to fall on earth at night
Seeing the fireflies coming together
To shun away the darkness..
As Heaven started to shower its wisdom on path lit with lights from many lamps..

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration,life,light
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