Little Baby & A Good Woman's Love! Poem by Tom Zart

Little Baby & A Good Woman's Love!

LITTLE BABY Little baby, I love you
For you are a part of me
Each and every inch you'll grow
I want to be there to see.

Someday you'll chase fireflies
Who ride the breath of the winds.
Someday you'll be all grown up
And out on the town with friends.

You have your daddy 's freckles
You've got your mommy's eyes.
I pray to God every day
You'll survive all of life's lies.

Little babies shoot up fast
As they need to stretch and grow.
They do such things as children do
In a world they've yet to know.

Someday you will understand
How your parents feel inside
Someday you'll have your babies
And raise them with great pride.

Of all the gifts that life may bring
A sweet baby is still the best.
Your mom and I shall love you
Till the day we're laid to rest.


A good woman's love and sympathetic heart
Are still the most valuable blessings of life.
She becomes our friend, lover, mother and partner
When we treasure, provide and love her as our wife.

Women never forget all we do and say
They recall visions of us both present and past.
We must eagerly communicate the depth of our love
If we wish our relationship to flourish and last.

A good woman's love can withstand a lifetime
When we pledge our support and thoughts to serve her.
We must conduct ourselves with patience and prayer
For our happiness to stay mutual, everlasting and sure.

All Heavens heroes had their need for love
And were greatly affected by its presence or loss.
A good woman's love is best of the rest
When nourished with servitude regardless of cost.

Tom's 465 Poems Are Free To Repost!
By God's Poet
Tom Zart
Most Published Poet
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