Loss Poem by May N


As you tell me your true feelings
the true emotions you fell inside
i can't help but feel utterly idiotic
that i could not see your pain
that i was too blind to notice

i went through my routines everyday
too lovesick to realize what was going on
i apologize...i had no idea
but i thank you for letting me know

now, i set my own problems aside
but i still have no idea where to being
i want to fix your sadness for it affects me as well
i want to see your smile, so carefree and beautiful
i want you to be happy, all traces of sadness banished

as i work to console you, you reassure me with smiles and words
but i can see through your act though i know you mean well
when i look into your eyes, i see everything
and i know you are not okay

tears flow freely from my eyes
your sadness contagious
but you still try and protect me
sheilding me so i cannot see
but i can...

you push me away, urging me to go
but what choice do i have?
i cannot help where help is not wanted
so i hope for the best

but i still see the sadness
the little child inside you, crying
showing your inner most feelings
and i look, wanting to wrap my arms around you
wanting to console you, to make the pain go away

but i cannot help and i am forced to watch
as you drift away from me until i cannot see you
and you pass over the horizon, not once looking back
too ashamed that i know so you drift

and as i watch, my heart breaks
i see my friend, whom i love very dearly
walking the road of loneliness, never to return again
happiness will never shine on him
and i weep for his well being as he walks
until he disappears forever...

Javier Falcon 19 July 2008

Ehhh... Nice emotions, love how you express yourself, good write...

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May N

May N

Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
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