Lost In Time Poem by Courtney Beaudry

Lost In Time

Moments in time fractured
By your sweet face
You evaporate before my eyes
I can't expect anything from you
You don't know and never will

I've been longing for your warm touch
You've never seen what lies behind my eyes
I wanted to utter those words to you
But by time I tried
It was too late

My love for you is more than stars in the sky
There's more to it than meets the eye
Inside, forevermore, is where these feelings will reside

Within me you stay, forever
There to hold me tight
To tell me everything's alright
Even though I can't see you
A memory is something that can say I love you too

Months have passed since that last meeting
The same exact greeting
Only you knew it'd be your last to me
And as I cry I remember
That there was no words
You would've told me anyway

My love for you is more then stars in the sky
There's more to it than meets the eye
Inside, forever more, is where these feelings will reside

Within me you stay, forever
There to hold me tight
To tell me everything's alright
Even though I can't see you
A memory is something that can say I love you too

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