Love Poem by aimee lister


Rating: 3.0

I told you that I loved you. And you did not say it back. When we were at a friend’s house I had to go to the bathroom. And when I got out I heard you tell our friend that you loved me. I did not know if you were lying or not. So I went on with my life and found someone that loved me. A week after I told you. I found out that you killed yourself. When I found out I told my boyfriend that we couldn’t be together. So here I am with out a boyfriend and with out you in my life. So now I will do something that you did not think that I would do. I am going to kill myself so that I can be with you.

So here I am in haven. Heart broken to see that you moved on and in love. When you first saw me you did not know who I was. But then you realized it was me. And asked what I was doing here so I told you that I was killed. When I told you that you asked me how. Then I told you that I killed myself. When I told you that you all most fainted but you did not. Then you asked me why I did that. Then I told you that I did it because I wanted to be with you, but I could not because you are in love with someone else. Then I tried to run but you stopped me from doing that. When you stopped you told me that she was your mom but I did not believe you and ran.

Suicide King 26 December 2007

Interesting read, especially committing suicide for love.

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