Love And War Poem by Alicia Moore

Love And War

I am dying inside and out
Falling apart
Every second that i dont hear from you
Just listening to you speak
Makes me crazy
Your touch id die without
I need you here all of my life
I desire your breath
I crave your soul
The way your heart beats with my head on your chest
The way my body shivers when i feel your warmth
You speak to me and its to die for
You say you love me
Those words are the only thing i live for
I love you, every part of my being
It says so, i wanna marry you
My love, my forever

Waiting..and waiting..
That day to come
That special tear
When we say I do
Still waiting.. for you
I may not be able to talk to you
May not ever see you
But you are always in my heart
My soul and my dreams
Ill never forget you
Live to see the future, and live to love
Too long til it comes

You put on your suit and you walk out the door
Afraid i wont see you anymore
I hope they see what a man they have
I saw it, it may have been late
But at least it was there
Come back to me soon
Guns and war.. cant keep you away forever
I love you, always be here
Just swear one thing, baby..
Please dont die

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