Love Drug Poem by Abigail Hauschild

Love Drug

Through this ink is the only way I know how to bleed
For you are poison coursing through my veins
And no amount of bloodletting could rid my heart of you
You are my personal brand of heroine
Everything I do is for another hit of blue
Your eyes staring back at mine
Your car coming around the corner
My favorite of your shirts on the floor
Every time I close my eyes it’s like shooting up again
It’s like I’m sleeping with a deadly IV drip
Of dreams that betray me with images of you
But worse every time I truly catch your eye
I get high again, the highest I’ve ever been
Because I’m a lightweight when it comes to you
All it takes is one half smile
One sarcastic word
One questioning look
One accidental touch
And I’m hooked all over again
Either by withdraw or overdose
You will be the death of me, my love
So kill me sweetly
And end the pain of living without loving you

Monday, May 4, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and pain,pain
Kelly Kurt 04 May 2015

One of the few drawbacks of the thing we call love. Nice poem, Abigail. Thanks for sharing

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