Love Is Murder Poem by Kendall Griffin

Love Is Murder

If by turning, are you running?
And if you're running what are you running from?
Don't you know, haven't you heard, that running is not an option?
but then again you still are running...

At first you think that isn't this wrong?
Then you remember that the ends justify the means.
But you still carry on knowing that the means are not justified 'til the fat man in the suit says so.
But why do you need the justification of a fat man?

You could walk away..
end this now..
and in your heart know that what you choose to do is right...
but you says isn't that running?

Sweat is pouring down your face.
your hand clench and unclench, clench and unclench.
your eyes are watering and scaning the room.
your head itching to turn around and look over your shoulder...
but you know that by looking you will only see the familar face in the mirror.

All these thought race before you minds eyes..
in your head the pros wraps around the cons-
constricting them 'til they are choking on their tiny voices-
screaming over and over 'this is wrong, THIS IS WRONG! '
the cons whispering in your ears 'go on take the shot, you got nothing to lose..only things to gain.'

You turn on your heals, pull the gun-
no longing hear the screams exploding all around you-
you feel your head is gonna burst-
your scream in pain -
but your scream in barely audible over the roaring in your ears-
like a train that just keeps going, on and on-
your eyes lock on the target-
but that train is in your ears-
it's getting louder, going on and on and on, no it won't ever stop, it keeps going and going and going-

In the end there was silence-
so thick that you could float upon it like a cloud.
and as you lay on the ground-
the blood pouring from of your head-
the last image you see is her face swimming before your eyes-
the last sound you will ever hear is her sweet laughter-
the last smell is her perfume-
All this just because you loved her...
but she could've never loved you back-

-Kendall Griffin

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