Love Is The Reason Poem by Menime Soul

Love Is The Reason

Baby don't take me as a weak,
You don't know how strong I am in real.
Our love's the reason why every promises I keep.
Otherwise I'm not the one who much likes to think and feel.

Have you imagined what your No is gonna do to my dreams?
A simple single word, but it can change ones whole future.
Either happiness or endless sorrow it will bring.
To a true loving heart 'No' proves to be a butcher.

I know we both have been through a lot.
And if you leave, we will go through so much more.
So I beg you to stay with all I have got,
And walk with me until we reach our home's door.

B'coz I wanna be holding your hand while we watch our children play.
I wanna show you that I did everything just for your smile.
I wanna show you what I dreamt of since I met you that day,
For you I'd walk a thousand miles'.

But Baby don't take me as a weak,
You don't know how strong I am in real.
Our love's the reason why every promises I keep.
Otherwise I'm not the one who much likes to think and feel.

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