Love Leads To Truth Poem by Mohammad Younus

Love Leads To Truth

The path of love does not pass either through temples or schools;
There you will be fraught with only desolation and delusion;
He who silently goes into his heart, he alone pursues the path of love;
His speech is eloquent of divine secrets about love and peace;
When he speaks, it is purely out of awareness and enlightenment;
When he is silent, it is only to listen attentively to divine speech;
When he lectures, he scatters pearls of knowledge and wisdom;
He does not sell his knowledge and wisdom in the marketplace;
When divine love takes over your heart overwhelmingly...
...your heart will then illumine with light upon light...
...and will reverberate with melodious music divine;
This is the path that leads straight to ultimate realisation...
...that you are in reality the shining sun;
You will not worship out of fear of Hell or desire for heaven;
Your eyes will become deep divine when gazing at the reality;
Each glimpse of the reality will give a new meaning to your life;
The reality is in your heart, if you know the meaning of the Truth;
From every atom you will hear the voice coming 'I Am The Truth';
We are all made from the same Truth, the same spirit is in our hearts;
At the beginning we all came into existence by the command of the same truth...
...that speaks now on our tongues and is abiding in our hearts! ! !

My Koul

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