Maaaa, Mother Nature Poem by me poet yeps poet

Maaaa, Mother Nature

Maaaa, Mother Nature
we all are a part of Mother Nature
which all along our lives
do us nurture

we all love fauna and flora
with water fountain
our spirits go up the mountain….
we breathe fresh air
devour the smoke and pollution too
while the roses,
and raat - kee- ranee,
India's lady of the night bloom
in perfume
yes we all breathe a sigh
as birds above us fly
as part of nature
tease us too
who are you
intelligent creatures
we all are a part of each other
from the sea weeds we grew into trees
then we became fungus and fish
from fruits devoured and calcium intake
the sun rays
a mother nature's take
we became what we all are
sum and substance of nature by far

all we are, is a form of energy
can any human devoid of nature ever be

well anyone with a blind eye can say
all of us come from nature
later again merge with it
on our life's remaining passage
as we while all our life
back to soil far, far and far away
is it not a hide and seek
that nature does with existence play

My third poem on
now this one is about
Mommy Nature

Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love,mom,nature
Rajnish Manga 11 September 2018

Your MOM series is progressing quite well. The exceptionally beautiful portrayal of MOTHER NATURE and the philosophy that 'all of us come from nature.... later again merge with it' touches upon the reader's heart. Thank you very much, Dear Poet Friend. A few delightful lines I would loke to quote: Mother Nature which all along our lives do us nurture and raat - kee- ranee, India's lady of the night bloom

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 12 September 2018

thanks RM after a long time you have come this poem was composed a few years ago all loved it so I posted it thanks for ur generous words

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