Maine Sunset Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

Maine Sunset

Rating: 4.5

As love makes it's last gasps
As a heart deflates
and folds its tent
I stand by an watch, helplessly

I smell the scent of pine
mixed with sea air
and look upon the setting sun
finding solid footing on the rocky Maine hillside

The coolness of the air should soothe
But I can't enjoy the moment
Tears are running down my cheeks
Tears nobody sees

Though you have given up on me
I stand alone, still wishing you were here
As if my wishing can somehow summon you
And make you feel

But try as I must
I fail to let go of you
Love came in a moment
But it's sadness lasts much longer

I sit down
My head in my hands
As if I never was kind to you
As if I never loved you

These rocks I sit on have endured
They've been silent for a thousand years
Will someone feel my tears
Will these rocks remember this moment

The sea otter swims near the shore
The gulls swoop near the water and dive
The waves break regularly against the rocky shore
I get up from my chair and get ready for church

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