Make It Great! Poem by Denis Martindale

Make It Great!

The poet penned his first draft down
And read it through and through,
He spotted things that made him frown
Then did what he must do...
He changed some basic words to those
That energised his tale,
Such that he smiled at his new prose,
That first looked poor and pale...

The punctuation he employed
Was not precise at all,
But, when corrected, he enjoyed
A second miracle...
And when the grammar was revised,
The poet had to smile,
Because by now, he stared surprised!
His poetry had style!

Another reading proved it so,
All points to understand...
Then, suddenly, he came to know
The wisdoms God had planned!
'My word! ' he said, quite tearfully,
'God sure blessed me, today! '
Then typed the words out cheerfully!
'That's great, not just O.K.'

Denis Martindale,16 February 2016.

Make It Great!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: god,poetry,writing
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