Making Of A Poet Poem by Shankaran Kutty

Making Of A Poet

A poet I am, never claimed I, though poems, I have tried a few
Some were nice, some so tripe but to all I have been so true
So it was one weekend when my daughters came by my side
“Tell us Dad when did you first write the poems that fill us with pride”

I thought so hard and got no clue of when it happened and how
Was it when I first went through the tender blushes of love?
Or was it when one starry night at the moon and stars I gazed
Were then, the first seeds of poetry sowed, that day I stood amazed?

Perhaps it was when the first flowers of spring I saw in richest bloom
Or when nature’s fury in its violent form, brought many a life to its doom
When the bees I saw from flower to flower and bring honey back to its hive
Or when seeing death all around me, knew how lucky I was to be alive

When monsoon deluge filled the rivers to burst in maddening flow
Or after the rains, in the darkened skies, I saw a bright rainbow
On seeing squirrels scampering amongst the branches of a mango tree
Or cuddly lambs grazing in the green meadows so free

When harsh words caused my dear one to shed a solitary tear
Or on my scolding my little ones, cried in apparent fear
When my mother held me close and gave a loving kiss
Or when I was alone and my loved ones I did gravely miss

When travelled many a lonely mile and saw many places new
Seeing smiles on my darling wife and also my children two
Was it born of a warm comforting hug, from my sister dear
Or the happy times I enjoy most, when I have my brother near

When my spirits are down and my mind is heavy, filled with unknown sorrow
Or when heart is filled with tensions many of what will happen tomorrow
Possibly the lovely times, I spent with my friends so many
Other than these, reasons then, I can’t think of any

And then it struck me, I was searching for reasons far and wide
When the truth behind my inspiration, was all along inside
The truth I realized not too late, and let me tell you now
My poems are born deep in my heart, from the womb of Love

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