May Never Again Poem by Francis Duggan

May Never Again

It may not be by Cashman's Hill my last remains will lay
But that will not bother me then anyway
Since wherever the dead lay their bones are at peace
From living they have had their final release

I may never again climb on old Clara Hill
Or hear the babble of the silver tongued rill
In the fields of Claraghatlea flowing from high Claramore
To the rivers flowing to the Blackwater to the Atlantic shore

I may never more walk through the fields to where the waterways meet
In the green countryside near the Town of Millstreet
Where i grew to love Nature when i was a boy
And learning of her ways today i enjoy

Time ever ticks on but old memories remain
Of what used to be but will not be again
For all of us there will be a final Spring
And for every songbird a last song to sing

Perhaps never more on a Spring evening near Millstreet Town
In the quiet of the twilight just after sundown
In a darkening field by old River Finnow
I will hear the soft lowing to her calf of a cow

Or hear the male snipe with his tail feathers make a drumming sound
Above his breeding territory as he flies around
And above the nearby bog so pleasant to hear
The flute like song of the curlew melodious and clear

I feel happy enough in where i am living today
And until my date with life's reaper perhaps here i will stay
Kangaroos, wallabies, echidnas and emus i often does see
And koala dozing or eating gum leaves on branch of a manna gum tree

And such beautiful birds who are living near me
The crimson rosellas i often does see
The magpies and magpie larks who sing all the year
Are birds that i often do see and do hear

And white long billed corellas and yellow tail black cockatoos
The birds known to many as the weerloos
And thornbills, wrens, honeyeaters and silver eyes
Every day in Nature for me some new surprise

An end to my life's journey to me must be near
But like many it is only the fear of death that i do fear
And when life's reaper on my life does have the last say
It may not be by Cashman's Hill my last remains will lay.

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