Maybe Today, Tomorrow, Another Day Poem by Adrienne Clark Strachn

Maybe Today, Tomorrow, Another Day

All the reasons we need to be together is over.
Maybe today, tomorrow, another day
I still love you, you know!
you say you're happy now,
but then you say, it could be better if it were me
but the point is, you say you're happy.
The dreams, the promises, waiting for you to come back
the time apart,
someone else took my my place
someone else kisses you, holds you close
like i did
Are you really happy right now,
am i really happy now
you have have moved on
so did i, but not really i want you to know
we didn't appreciate one another when we had one another
we didn't know how far to go with our anger, our infidelities
perhaps we trusted, or overlooked too many things
it's not good to play with one's hearts,
I let you go, and you found someone else
I asked for you back but it was late
so now i live with a dream
a dream of maybe tomorrow, another day, of course not today,
a day when we will talk again,
share one more special kiss again, maybe more than one
it hurts so badly,
why couldn't I have had more sense
to have let someone go as beautiful, precious as you
Could we just get it right
I don't think we will ever know
cause there will be no more
today's, Tomorrow's, or other days for you or I
no more...........................

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