Me First Bike Poem by Bob Gibson

Me First Bike

Rating: 5.0

I remember my first bicycle, it came on Christmas day
i got up very early cos i wanted to go out and play
i didn't have any trainer wheels, and the seat was very low
and it took a while ter get me balance, the bruises i did show

Me Dad held onto the seat and ran beside me bike
the handlebars were all over the place, till i got it right
soon i was off on me own, riding on the path
i used ter clean it everyday, giving it a bath

then i got a dynamo so i could ride it round at night
it whirred and whizzed and flickered, and gave out a lot light
it also wore me tyre out, so off the bike it came
i got a battery lamp then, but it never was the same

i used ter put my lolly sticks, jam them in the spokes
it was like rattling a fence, to annoy the older folks
i used me bike all summer till snow was on the ground
then Dad sold me bike at Christmas, he only got a pound

that pound it bought my train set, the first i ever had
i loved that little train set, an i loved me Dad!

David Threadgold 22 October 2008

By The eck Bob this takes you back a bit. it reminds me of my first bike and the story was much the same. whatever happened to the dynamo anyway mine always worked ok. great fun read thanks 10/10/10 Regards Dave T

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Bob Gibson

Bob Gibson

Billingham County Durham
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