Melancholy Of My Mind On The Message Of Love Poem by Don Nguyen

Melancholy Of My Mind On The Message Of Love

Generating a masterpiece is not the goal of this untrained novice;
Now for his audience, simply an inspiring poem he sorely needs
But time constraint, online instant gratification severely restrict
His ability to compose anything worthwhile to convey noble ideal or faith
And in dying faith, love can be a mere word, a hollow gong;
While compassionate deed is indeed done for true love to be illustrated
Being sentimental is needed in a warm cozy evening romance; not manstrating
But it is not necessary for selfless love to be recognized, praised, or stated
A loving, beloved soul abides in the Divine commandment;
Her Lord presides in hallowed monstrance she adores
She is inspired, then elated to follow
Even in suffering injustices done on her;
In order for the love of her Lord to prosper
In the repentant souls of her former enemies to be touched by divine grace;
While they witness supernatural beauty in merciful love
Being kind to any unthankful lot she faces;
She has made a witness toward the glowing sight of divine converting prodigies.
Do you have in your heart the love of God
or you don't because I simply make irreligious mockery instead?
Am I successful in talking or promoting His love
Or souls suffer unduly, unedifyingly, due to my own faults?
Please I plead with you to love Him by following His commandments
of selfless love regardless of the cost;
Let your humble heart dictate your submissive mind;
So the inner music of your heart will be harked;
Then lifted glowingly, and enkindled, your own souls will prolong numerous melodious songs

At that destined time, I can roll up my sleeping bag to walk into the sunset of well-deserved, lasting retirement.

References: Matt 5: 44, Matt 6: 24, Luke 6: 27, Jn 5: 42, Jn 14: 15, Jn 14; 21

I really reluctantly used the words 'injustices' and 'unthankful' to be faithful to the spirit of the referred Scriptural verses. I don't mean to say that to my poet friends.
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