Melting Wings Poem by Akshaya Thulasi

Melting Wings

I Looked into the eyes

of Everyman, Who is a father

Listened to Everyman, a father

I can see the tears of Daedalus

I can hear the heartbeat

of Daedalus in them.


I paid attention to the laugh

Of someone, who is a son

Watched the confidence

Of someone, who is a son

I can see the same vain proud

and confidence of Icarus on them.


I had noticed that every father

Is constructing a wing for their son

With the feathers of their dreams

And the wax of their sweat

With lot of worthy dreams

Just like Daedalus constructed.


Meanwhile Icarus weaved

A lot of worthless dreams

And targeted Sun for defeating

Under the power of warming blood

And brain of stupid teenager

Just like all children weave.


At last, worthy and worthless dreams

Will remain as a dream for ever

Those wings of worthless confidence

Will melt under the heat of Sun

Those wings of wrothy sweat dreams

Will drown in the sea of tears.


Oh God, this melting Wings

Of worthy and worthless dreams

Began to spread everywhere

Still why don't you open your eyes? ?

Oh God I can't recognize you..

Are you a Daedalus or a Icarus? ? ? ?


Melting Wings
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