Hope Poem by Akshaya Thulasi


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Life, the real villian

Jerk her on to a romantic chasm

Frequently visited by all lucifers

They enchanted her

To the proclivity of disappointment

With a penchant for suicide.


When she reached

At the rim of death

A purveyor, advanced towards her

And lighted a lamp

Upon her darkness

Upon the agony of her heart.


That divinity, named hope

Splashed a new Ray of optimism

On her and give a hand to her

He proferred a shower of love

As a magical rosy on her

By detaching nihilism in her.


Hope, the utopian king

Who provides life for many

Give a new life to her

Vanished pessimism in her

Weaved a smile on her face

Put an end to that hee-haw.


Hope - the prima Donna

Spread light to every darkness

With storge, love and compassion

He is the Lord of helpless people

Whenever the light disappears

He arrives with a pharos of light.


He is the foundation

Upon which all human live

They called him hope

She called him rely of life

I too found it, not as him, but as her

And want to call her shaiha.

Friday, August 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Dr Antony Theodore 01 September 2018

I too found it, not as him, but as her And want to call her shaiha. Hope came to you as Shaiha. this is a spiritual Poem since it is dealing with hope and at the same time a real love Poem .. fine my dear Poet. thank u for your thoughts and presentation. tony

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