Midnight Rendezvous Poem by Eli MorenoDrew

Midnight Rendezvous

The most adventurous of nights
Also seem to be the coldest
and the darkest.

I can never say
What my mind is thinking
Crawling through the doggy door
And jumping my fence.

Nothing but an uncontrollable lust
For passion and a warm bed.
On midnight rendezvous
You grow intimate with the night
Knowing everything you want
and don’t want to know.

You learn to hate and love streetlights
And crunching of dead leaves.
My hood is my cloak
As my desire is my steed.
Sometimes I jog, others I sprint
But I never walk unless my lungs tell me to.
I feel vulnerable when I can see the stars
Because I know they can see me.
But none-the-less I make my way
to the same spot.

The art of fence-hopping
And tip-toeing is one mastered by few
Welcome trespassers.

Opening doors with no sound
And running into dim-lit rooms
Almost knowing the mystery and
That my hostess holds.

I see a warm bed, but,
The passion seems absent
With the light.

We do an almost rehearsed
Waltz of laying down, sitting up,
Blanket over, blanket off,
Proximity far, then close, then far
Then clothes are peeled off like an orange
Leaving only a warm, soft, succulent center
And two mouths eating citrusy wedges.
We are blind
Guided by passion,
or lust
or both
Until we are satisfied by the light we found
(or I found) .
Then the awkward sense of exhaustion
and the desire to leave
Sets in as we’ll lay in a bed not warm anymore.
We dress in slight embarrassment
And say our soft adieus.

The walk back is the worst
For the underlying thought that I used
a lover
out of lust
Creeps into my skull,
Because I did no such thing.

I crawled out of the doggy door
And over my fence to feel love
In a way that I haven’t felt in ages.

The most adventurous of nights
Always seem to be the coldest
and darkest.

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