Mindand Motto /Hinduism Poem by Dr.Balnarayana Bandam

Mindand Motto /Hinduism

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A human at birth, of formed without content
Family, friends, surrounds, nature all shape and make the subject
If borne in a poeticfamily may turn writer sect
If in an artist family, bend ascreative person talent
In the saint, raise as devotee and divine
Stand with a teacher, suitan ideal student assign
In a family of thief, routines, notorious as a stealer
Sculptor family child pick up the art to the scale
Likewise carpenter, tailor, politician, and priest
A robber, Valmiki turns to saintwrite Ramayana epic poem ancient
While saint Narada guides, the line of devotion and dedication
Becomes the first poet, with the sacred spiritual adoration
However, millions of years past still are remembered grand
Thedivineincarnation of Lord Sri Krishna's Geetha stands
As a book of noble guidance and leading life of austerity
Thus the human form is without the self make clarity
But if given choice to society, reading divine books
Precept by teachers, learning by laurels, natures looks
Seasonal crops, the breeding season of birds, and nest make
Movements of planets, day and night with no mistake
Eclipse, full and no moon, all are at worth designed
Thus from nature one can adopt the acts laid and assigned
Options for maintenance by any person punctual
Adopting to mold is an ideal to human rather eventual
Withstand and violate to from idle to society to burden
Stay with, polish andhonorable teachings, the mind unburden
Gets molded to the size and shape of noble and honest
Thus assists the way of peaceful life, even as a sect preferent
A guide to family and next generations to come up behold
makers are plenty, around, only the option is allowing to get mold
with immense apt to become an asset dedicatingmotto in the hold

The poem displays the person and the personality development by, vision,hearing
Teachers teach, saints sayings, traders trend, reading books and observation around
even more from nature too, andmake oneself worth to family, nation, and generation to come
Dr.Balnarayana Bandam

Dr.Balnarayana Bandam

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