Miss Oblivious Poem by Barry Van Allen

Miss Oblivious

Rating: 4.0

She was zooming down the highway with a phone stuffed in her ear,
and she knew nothing of the accident she caused,
the destruction in her wake,
was in her mind, inconsequential,
then she arrived to find that there was no applause.

She made it known that she had friends into the thousands,
and didn't realize that few had really cared,
when she 'tweeted' she was mostly 'tweeting' to herself,
and that the soul that she put out there,
...wasn't really ever in there.

She was drinking in her water,
along the river, she just jogged,
the music cut her thoughts just like a knife,
the muggings didn't ever make an impact,
though they were out there, in the daylight,
she had the earbuds in her mind,
and so her consciousness was seldom part of life.

She was going slowly down the highway with a phone stuffed in her ear,
never mind that she could not stay in her lane,
to hell with all those laws that said you shouldn't do it now,
your life didn't matter,
her life was all that counted,
and all of her excuses were inane.

So self-absorbed.... that it was painful in a way,
but something just had to be dealt with,
or something simply must be done,
or something just had to be said,
or something else of no importance,
always filled her head.

She was walking down the sidewalk,
...and she was texting
...and not paying much attention,
...and she walked off the curb,
...and right into the traffic
Miss Oblivious is now no longer with us.

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