Morality Poem by Roxanne Dubarry


Morality can not be adequately be described
in only thirty-three words.
I know because I am certain.
I used forty-four words
to try to accomplish it!

Where oh where is morality in
the USA today? Oh where oh, where
has it gone? It was only here for
a brief time in contemporary society.
Which is too focused on reality television.

Our beloved nation has lost its morality
vision. Inch by inch it has been under
attack, but not without a lack of purpose.

What once was considered wrong, is now
be considered right. America needs
to return to the light of the LORD
Jesus Christ! He is the light of
the whole world.

Christians and Jews and Muslims, too
are under attack. And forfeiting
their very lives. By standing up
against religious genocide.
Killing people in the name of
your prophet or in your God.

Will not gain you access into paradise!
Your form of morality does appeal
to me and never will. You kill
young women and girls for adultery
after you rape them. Shame! Shame!
upon you and all the evil deeds, you do!

I am not your final judge. The LORD Jesus
Christ is the judge of the whole
world from the beginning of time!
It is better to be filled with his
love so divine!

Where is morality in the USA today?
Nowhere around. Where is morality
in the world today? Nowhere around?
The world is being turned upside down!

Roxanne Dubarry

Roxanne Dubarry

Seattle, Washington
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