Mr Dash! Poem by Juliet Languedoc

Mr Dash!

We did not know when, where, and
how it happened. Be it night
or noon we do not know; but, from
where it began to where it ends
is what counts and must be done well.

This is not difficult we all are
in it together. We cannot indicate
exactly when it began or when it
will end but it is critical we
exist it very, very well.

You don't need to be concerned
about only, for now, he has to
be exist well; because he will
tell about the before, the during,
and the after.

We do not know if there was
consent, in many cases but it was
absent in some cases nonetheless,
the truth is - there was a noise
upon arrival to announce there is
genuine survival.

Mr. Dash has no worry he sits between,
without any hurry but he knows there
is a beginning and an end of which
no one could defend or suspend.

You know Mr. Dash, he remains dormant
taking ample notes; because there has
to be a report after that final call
which death pertaining to all.

Mr. Dash is a significant silent giant
we must treat him well well he has so
much to tell; remember, live him well;
he speaks from the beginning unto our

Let's live him with meaning for others to
follow after we become that dismissed
fellow - Mr. Dash will speak our life, let's
live him well; remember! there is a hell;
so, please live Mr. Dash very, very well!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,life,life and death
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