There are no questions
and there will be no answers
Wrapped in history
is the reality of time.
It chooses its own pace,
blossoms in space,
waits on no race,
it works with grace
Time is indefinite, extremely
progressive and part of all events
be past, present, or future.
There is a chasing of time, such as
sometimes, enough time,
timeframe, and other kinds of times.
It is all about Time the essence ofTime;
just keep in mind, Time is Time the
only one of its kind simply called Time!
June 26,2014
.............beautiful theme....time poems are some of my favourites....the last stanza is very nice....enjoyed...
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
" Time is the only one of it's kind" . A lovely read.