Mule To The Sun Poem by Micheal Bello

Mule To The Sun

'The Mule to the sun'

Have you ever heard

How camels and donkeys

Lament in their labor.

Have you ever seen

The joy crest

From the sun glow

Have you ever feel

The happiness of

A sacrificial lamb.

None felt

None heard

None seen.


You have a lamb

Who's ready

To be a sacrifice.

You have a light

Who's ready to be

Through horror for you.

He came around

Showed himself

As damsel massacred off his beauty.

I asked you

Have you ever seen

A love that could be sacrificed.

A love torn for guilt.

To have a pledge from them

A pledge of ruins.

Where are your burdens?

You felt you love yourself

When pains capped at your glow.

Where are the burden

You felt only you could solve

When life has been lifeless for you.

Have you seen, heard, felt a love

That bonded a free God

To your loss.

The same love

He loves you

To avert from your sinful way.

Questions wreck within you.

And answers lurk within darkness

The cistern had lost in you

You want an answer

Why are we suffering

When your eyes behold all?

Who is the omniscient

Who can't draw away evil

From the innocents.

I know you have been through

World of hell

Where mercy had been nailed.

Here, sort him and ask.

There's answer behind

The silent night whimpers.

He loves you

Yes, he did.

He still does now and forever.

~ Mickey

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