Music is the mystery that veils the visible...
... and unveils the hidden;
Imbues the black dry clay with sound...
.. and builds with it an echoing mosque;
Spreads a Shahtoosh Shawl...
...on the shoulders of viceroy...
...and puts in his hands the dominion of God...
...for fulfilling the will of God;
Thus, this godman comes out...
...of the vicious circle of life and death...
... and alternating pain and joy;
Music binds to the rope of God, and...
...drags the hearer back... the lost garden of Eden;
Music is testimony of Gd's love and mercy...
Music reminds us the covenant made with God...
... that we entered into on the day of Alast;
Music immerses the hearer in the ocean of love;
Man's real secret of life is the eternal music!
...that was sounded in him by God...
...when He blew into him of his spirit;
Man is made of clay, but of course of sounding clay;
The eternal sound! A great secret hidden in man!
Music is a covenant between the lover and the beloved... is a secret wedlock between being and non-being...
Listening to the eternal music is my response... the question of lord:
Alastu bi rabbikum? Am I not your Lord?
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Indeed, to trace music to its source, no field of knowledge is as important as theology. Music is the pulse of creation. Unless we explore the mystery of creation, we will never find the root of music. Five stars for celebrating this wonderful mystery in mellifluous words!