My Alphabet Of Faith Poem by Royston Nella

My Alphabet Of Faith

A—The AFTERLIFE that I still have to come
B—My BELIEF in Jesus Christ, God's Only Son
C—The CROSS upon which He was crucified
D—The DEATH which for me He willingly died

E—The EVERLASTING life He's given me
F—My FREEDOM. For in Christ I've been set free
G—The GRATITUDE in my soul that I feel
H—My HOPE that is certain and very real

I—For IMMANUEL. The Presence of God
J—For JESUS who is My Saviour and Lord
K—I'm KEPT safe and He'll never let me go
L—The LOVE everlasting that I now know

M—The MUSIC and praise that is filling my heart
N—That NOTHING God and me shall ever part
O—For OPENED eyes that His glory can see
P—The PRAISE that is now flowing out of me

Q—The QUIETNESS and Peace that to me He gives
R—I'm REJOICING that my Lord Jesus lives
S—The SONGS of praise and worship I can sing
T—The TRUTH to me that God's Word can bring

U—The UNDYING love of Jesus my Lord
V—The VASTNESS and majesty of my God
W—Christ WEEPING His tears of sorrow for me
X—The KISS of love God gave at Calvary

Y—That YESTERDAY and always God's the same
Z—The ZEAL of the Lord. Praise His glorious name

Sunday, September 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: alphabetical,faith
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