My Annoying Shadow 2 Poem by Kevin Quero

My Annoying Shadow 2

Rating: 5.0

He does exactly what I do
He follows me here and there
I hate him a lot
But he doesn't really care.

When I try to catch him
He runs around in fear
But there is no use trying to chase him
Because he always knows I'm here.

But when I go to the sunlight
Outside and gone to play
My shadow stops annoying me
Because there is no shadow today!

But when I come back inside
My shadow is all I could see
Standing in one spot
All day just waiting for me!

I wish I could get rid of him
But he justs wants to stay
I'll just have to get used to it
Because he'll never go away.

When I try to catch him
He runs around in fear
But there is no use trying to chase him
Because he always knows I'm here.

But when I go to the sunlight
Outside and gone to play
My shadow stops annoying me
Because there is no shadow today!

But when I come back inside
My shadow is all I could see
Standing in one spot
All day just waiting for me!

I wish I could get rid of him
But he justs wants to stay
I'll just have to get used to it
Because he'll never go away.

My Annoying Shadow 2
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: imagination
Tirupathi Chandrupatla 09 June 2014

We need to live with the shadow. Shadow keeps good company. Maybe we need to treat shadow as a friend. Nice poem. Thank you.

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