Kevin Quero

Kevin Quero Poems

My dog is number one
He is my best friend
We like to be together
And our friendship will never end.

Standing in the sunlight,
Dancing in the rain
Will happiness last forever?
Or will misery come again?

I would like to time travel
To see the future me
Wouldn't that be great
To see what I will really be.

If I could rule the world
I would be the lord
And I will have lots of entertainment
So I will never be bored.


I hate the rain
And it's raining today
I want it to stop
So I can go out and play.

From the moment I came into this world and opened my big baby eyes,
I knew that I was looking at my new family, because the heart, it never lies.

Through all of life's hard struggles, my family has always been there.

My annoying shadow
was a really mean one
He likes to play tricks on me
But he justs wants to have fun

I didn't do my math homework!
I played video games instead
I need a good excuse
Or else I’m surely dead!

In a big fish bowl
A poor fish died
Next to a rock
At the other side.

There's a place called a HAUNTED HOUSE
It's a place which everybody hates,
It's filled with lots of scary things
That the bravest wouldn't walk through the gates.

If you knew me well
Inside me there something you could find
A piece, a part of wonderland
A wonderland that I bind

I had to write a speech
For a really important meeting
But I didn't even start
Writing a small greeting.

Welcome to the world of imagination
With cotton candy clouds
And the combination of sounds.

I had to solve the hardest question
That is almost impossible to know
A question that nobody can solve
But I tried to give it a go.

He does exactly what I do
He follows me here and there
I hate him a lot
But he doesn't really care.

The sun was rising
When I woke up on my bed
I didn't feel like getting up
So I layed down and covered my head.

I found a box of rabbits
Near a big garbage can
I quickly picked it up
Then to my home I ran.


One boring afternoon
On my sofa I sat down
I couldn't do anything
But look around and frown.

What is happening?
Everything looks the same
The world is becoming so dull
And everything is becoming lame.

I saw a small bright light
High up in the dark sky
Where did it come from?
I didn't know why.

Kevin Quero Biography

I'm just a normal seventh grader and I enjoy writing poems.)

The Best Poem Of Kevin Quero

My Dog

My dog is number one
He is my best friend
We like to be together
And our friendship will never end.

He is a part of my family
And he is like my guard
And when we work together
Nothing is really hard.

My dog will always be mine
He is very important to me
My dog is the best
And my dog he will always be.

Kevin Quero Comments

Flaming Taco 10 March 2014

Wow! Your poems are amazing you are really cool.

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