My Brexit Poem by Ari Alsio

My Brexit

Oh Brexit,

brings the end and the start exit

Escape straight and exit to the left

Or can you jerk your hands under your decisions?


When brexit is true

stiffness is gone away,

Theresa May has a rat insopa

it should shine in butter.


Who will open Pandora's box,

was he mad or cruel fox,

are youthere Theresa May

you're looking for new day.


Theresa May Rowing and the Felt

it will allow him or her hungry belt,

EU does not souda it says now is not rushing,

The British story is just over bushing.


Votes after the vote situation

every morning I always wake up to new regulation.

The pantomime of the media is rolling,

if anyone willknow this old news following


The Lord will take me and get me out of here

or put the needle out of this disc Therese.

Yes, some Brexit man endures day

but can this hijacking be prevented in any way?


In March this will be seen as true

but it is still being held glue

however, no one knows

no matter where this mess really takes you shows.


The Customs Union is like a forgotten bless

Where's the British Pride and Straightness?

You voted well against the EU - Wow

Alone so alone are you now!

Thursday, January 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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