My Dad Poem by Erik Mcconniel

My Dad

Rating: 5.0

My Dad
My dad could make you smile with out a cause
He was a great man and is very miss
He could rhyme with out a beat
He work so hard to where he got in his life
I ask the lord why he had to leave
It was too soon for him to go
Things just started to feel like they were good
And he was getting better
But things did get worse and wut can you say
For something you can not help on your own just think positive I said to my self and I did just that I stuck by his side like glue
But I will always remember the last thing he said to me was I love you.
Erik Mcconniel®

Mimzy Sue 05 November 2008

sorry for the loss, it's hard to moved on without our loved ones but we have to...rite? Life goes on until our turn comes. Sometimes I wish I could atleast say 'Goodbye' to my dad before he left, never had the chance....... And I loved your poem.. Keep it up

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WOW i like this poem a lot you put some thought into it I was never close to my dad but this made me realize if i lost him how much i would be sad. Thank you for sharing Please if you get time can you read a few of my poems especially the poems called: 'Morning Sun' and 'Heaven Please' Thank you so much and God Bless!

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