My Favourite Font! Poem by Denis Martindale

My Favourite Font!

On the first reading, I realised
I wasn't actually, truthfully
Savouring the phrases.

I tried a second time,
Reciting it at half speed,
Emphasising each word.

I paused here and there,
Letting each thought glide...
The poetry becoming precious.

I printed the verses one-by-one,
Choosing a fabulous font,
Calligraphy enhancing them well.

I went out shopping for a frame,
This poem deserved something noble,
Outstanding and ornate...

Oh, what pains I took at home,
Fitting that poem in that frame...
There, it's done, hung upon the wall.

Above the fireplace, for all to see...
To change everyone who reads it,
Simply because it's that good...

Denis Martindale 18th of December 2012.

My Favourite Font!
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,writing
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