My Love For My Soldier Poem by Angel Tejeda

My Love For My Soldier

I can remember back in the days
When I was in my twenties
That I knew I had found the one for me.
His gentle personality, surfer style hair,
Powerful body, and free spirit.
Everything about him made me see,
That we were the ones meant to be.
He was twenty-three
While I was twenty-two.
We had met in a jazz club
And I danced the whole night,
Swaying in his arms
And making sure I held on tight.

A year had passed since we were together,
And one day he told the worst news ever.
He said his father was a military man.
Word was sent out that his father had a son
And the love of my life had to leave.
My heart was torn,
Tears spilled down my face.
I didn't want him to go,
Especially fighting in that war.

Seven long months had passed
And I didn't get a word.
Home felt really quiet without him
And I felt like weights were pulling me down.
My friends came over constantly,
But when they noticed I wasn't as fun anymore,
They decided to show a little less at my door.

Another two weeks had passed
And I had gotten word in the mail.
My heart sank when I saw my name,
Written in perfect script.

My Dearest Nora,
You are my inspiration every time
I have to go into battle to stay alive.
Every night I go through my phone
And look at our memories together.
I miss those Friday nights,
When we would lie in the back
Of my truck and look up at the stars.
Call me crazy, but sometimes I
Feel like I can hear your voice.

I did a lot of thinking
And I came down with two options.
We go back to how we were or
I become a man and ask you to marry me.
I was in such a dilemma, but
I decided to marry you.
I can't lie, but I already have a ring
In mind for you, so it could bring
The sparkle in your beautiful, blue eyes.
Oh Nora, you really are my shining star
And I can't wait to come back
To hold you in my arms again.

Nora, I fell so madly in love with you.
I will come back to you when I get
Out of here which is really soon.
I promise we will have a life together
And I hope to never leave you again.
With all my Love,

I wiped a tear from my eye
And I heard a car coming up my drive.
A yellow taxi had my love in there
And running towards him,
I jumped on him.
He twirled me around and around
And all my saddened feelings washed away.

Later that week, we couldn't take it anymore.
We decided to immediately get married
And we decided to share ourselves together.
Loving Isaiah had brought me
To live a more happy life
And I didn't regret anything we did.

A month later, I heard that he was going to be drafted.
We had just been happily married for a month
And again news struck me really hard.
I wasn't ready for him to leave just yet,
I hadn't told him that he was going to be a father.
I couldn't let him know until I dropped him off
And when we stood together at the airport,
I told him the news and he couldn't bare to leave.
Take care of the baby for me,
He told me while giving me a kiss.

Then after five months,
Two generals came to my door.
I asked what it was for
And they told me Isaiah was dead.
A last letter was written to me
And I shut the door on them.
Opening the letter up,
I read it twice,
But reread what he had told me.

...I can't wait to see the baby
When I get back Nora.
If, and I'm only saying if.
If anything were to happen to me,
I don't want you to go off and do
Something stupid. I want you
To go find someone that will
Love you just as I have.
You deserve to be happy
And no matter what,
Your face will be the last face
I will see in my mind.
As much as it hurts me to even say,
I want you to love again and forget
About me. Keep me in your heart,
But free your mind from me.
With all my Love,

I entrapped myself in our room
And slept the whole night away in tears.
There was nothing left for me,
Just his last letter...and the baby.
I had to accept the fact that he wouldn't be
Coming home anytime soon.
Loving again couldn't be a possibility...
Nobody in this world could be like him.

Eleven years later love won me over.
I had a girl named after Isaiah's mother.
And after years of my daughter wondering
Why I named her after her grandmother,
I gave her this poem to read.
She looked at me with sadden eyes
And she finally understood why I was in the army.
What do you think you should call this?
My daughter asked me softly.
I think I'll call it...
My love for my soldier.

After having to have listened to Carrie Underwood's 'Just A Dream', the song had inspired me to write this poem that was then sent to a journalist and English professor to look at, along with others, to determine who would be the winner. Characters are fake, but I thank Carrie Underwood for helping me write a poem like this one.
Aftab Alam Khursheed 12 September 2013

Memory kills, memory thrills .........memory a flock of birds we become the silent viewer nice please read mine thank you

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