Aftab Alam

Aftab Alam Poems

From the grief ocean, I steal, a drop of happiness,
For every autumn, I get a lovely beautiful spring,
For human youth; the festive, to dance and sing,
We nature, within nature; keepeth blissful fitness,

Once, I danced;
Under the cloudless canopy,
With a dream of yours,
What a joyous moment it was!

Bird was flying lavishly, un-cared, unheard
Over the dale, over the field; with no shield
Enjoying the freedom, Singing, dreaming,
Thinking: “Ah! So beautiful is the dream of a bird”

Delicate you are,
Fragile-agile roses!
Thou art Boldness;
Angels on earth you must be.

Is it tears of the night?
Or pearls of the day!
Is it woes of the star?
Or dancing feathers gay!

When all birds flew back to nest, for rest,
Sinking sun into west when floated very fast
Heavy hands and hazy mind when lost its zest,
Then I am quite sure, he is losing vigor bast,

What life! For I know, it's a magical bag
I can see uneyed, the bag with its tag
Always empty, it has a gigantic desire
What a folly with us? Why bathed in pyre!

Jesus came, Jesus came, Jesus came for us
Jerusalem is shining bright, Jesus came for us

On the roof before the dusk, Jesus came to us
Tears roll, bare sole, song of praise, rush n rush

Awake, awake, O my torn fate! Be wise
Why do you fall? Can't you rise?
Hurry up! before the body is buried deep,
Keep thy change that ye must keep.

How fast thou move with the sound, ye brook, I find;
No boat, no dive, yet, you are so beautiful, I drank,
Thy sight, a throat full opiate; I went to swoon,
A nature's painting! Lovely Curios; I will be back soon,

I was nowhere; neither was any trace of mine,
In fact, in the lap of death, enjoying life's pine,
I never fled but throughout the life, I bleed,
Still, enough blood is left, for peace to plead.

What nature!
Is it more beautiful than the human senses?
What nature!
Beyond the imagination of human mind,

Better there I was at the old home
With the old stupid palsied gnome
Why broke the mug, Papa?
Answer me, you crooked brigand.

An awkward dream, I dreamt
We all had a beautiful tail
That revealed the truth
It amazed and marveled I

My country is burning
There is flame of hatred
On the stove of faith
Chef frying the trust

He wilt to live,
Never drunk,
Never Smoke,
Yet died he,

O the bell of time,
I love thy chime,
For if ears power die

For a little borne, when sucks the nectar
That comes from the Garden of Eden (heaven)
Into the mothers bosom and lay on lap altar.
Utters 'MOM' the most beautiful word', proven.

Aftab Alam Biography

[Died on 30th June 2015 in Apollo hospital Ranchi at 1: 25 am due to brain hemorrhage occurred on 19th march 2015 at Dehradun while returning from the office around 6 pm followed by coma, no recovery till the last breadth.] I thank, all those who read and comment Through FB or PH, they pause a moment Precious time steal and spent on charity Filling life hole of hollowness with sanity Gratitude to all poets at open rendezvous The POEM HUNTER Learn to laugh in grief..It is my request in brief Aftab Alam 'Khursheed' AFTAB ALAM is an Indian poet born at Ranchi Capital of Jharkhand on 15 April 1967(Saturday) in the house of Md. Sanaullah (Father) and: Qaisra Khatoon(Mother) ( married in the year 1989 with Aziz Fatima her nickname was Bahar(spring) She was brave and beautiful, blessed with three children 1.Shaista Aftab 2. Pardaz Aftab and 3) Sheikh Aghaz Aftab. She died in a road accident at Ranchi on 29th Oct 2007 buried at the cemetery of Prastoli on Monday at night on the same day after the night prayer, Hobby: To read the books of any kind but Quran is above all.Keats Byron, William Wordsworth, Maxim Gorky, Prem chand, Nirala, Iqbal, Dushyant, Dumil, Charles Dicken, Leo Tolstoy… Keats kills him.WW makes him to cool, Charles Dicken, prem chand and Maxim Gorky Shown the path to write and understand what is the world. A lover of Nature and its creatures, 'HOW LONG PEACE WILL KILL THE PEACE LOVING PEOPLE' Address: S/o Md Sanaullah (Near Mosque) , Prastoli, PS/PO Doranda, RANCHI Jharkhand(India) PIN 834002mobile no. 09634511277 email

The Best Poem Of Aftab Alam

A Drop Of Happiness

From the grief ocean, I steal, a drop of happiness,
For every autumn, I get a lovely beautiful spring,
For human youth; the festive, to dance and sing,
We nature, within nature; keepeth blissful fitness,

When spring comes, nature with its beauty; greet,
Flower with hue sways and butterflies do flip flop,
Calm breeze's sensational blush; a birth of hope,
Seasons love, mingles with whole color, they meet.

Know, a place in mind, away from the physical spring,
Hatching spring and brooding youth forever, a bliss,
Grief of the world; dry petals, away from hate, I kiss,
From the grief ocean, a drop of happiness, they bring.

There will not be a spring without autumn; no taste,
If no sorrow, what taste happiness will provide, say?
If no youth, why then heart will throb; gaily and gay?
Autumn prepares to decorate the heart with haste..

Aftab Alam Comments

Kumarmani Mahakul 05 November 2014

Aftab Alam Khursheed is a renowned Indian poet from Ranchi, Jharkhand, who has special talent of writing which gives thrilling to mind and spirit and awakes many with reality of life. His poems shine with glittering touch of rays of light and each poem smiles like moon with calmness. His dedication towards perseverance of words and magic of poems is really appreciable. Being affectionate towards God, he devotes his service to mankind through poetry writing. Baaki AaAP Ki Marji, Duaa, Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamay, Prem, Itihash Ki pidaa, Maa kaa Suraj Kahin Kho gaya, Oh my Almighty, A dark Shadow, Peace pleading, Petals of Peace, Beautiful beauty, Your look is humankind, Awake! Awake, etc. are his notable works and have proved his excellence. Allah may bring lots of happiness for this poet.

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Ramesh Rai 15 October 2014

Aftab Alam is one of the most talented poet in PH. His every write is versatile. He has command over four languages as I have observed. He is having a very dynamic will power. He has an unique skill to compose every words with his emotional expressions. The Poetry world wishes for more contributions. Wish him all the best in near future.

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Don Blumenthal 20 October 2014

I particularly like this: Learn to laugh in grief..It is my request in brief Aftab Alam 'Khursheed'

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Gangadharan Nair Pulingat 23 October 2014

I likes his performance and poems.

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 13 September 2014

When language cross one another there is a possible problem As take Mahatma Buddh and Buddha all the words from Hindi to English has a problem if you say Buddha then you don't have to pronounce a, , abruptly stoppage as Buddh(a) and pronunciation with A' but it has been accepted like we write Mishra- in fact it is Mishr(a) and A is not pronounced but we have accepted yes thank for correcting the mistake d was missed, I like to be corrected expecting from all .....this is the place we can do this thank you all

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Khairul Ahsan 11 March 2020

@Dear Aghaz aftab, I am glad to see you've visited your late father's page on this site. He was a good poet, used to leave inspiring comments on other poets' poems. He was presumably a good man too. May Allah SWT forgive him and grant him Jannah!

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Aghaz aftab 06 December 2019

I am his son which is in the above photo

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Kumarmani Mahakul 19 October 2018

On behalf of all fellow poets, PH family and our family we offer a title of honour to poet Aftab Alam Khursheed born on 15th April 1967 in Ranchi, Jharkhand, India as, Calm Warrior (शांत योद्धा) From today onward he will be known as Calm Warrior Aftab Alam Khursheed. In Hindi he will be known as शांत योद्धा अफताब आलम खुर्शीद. This title of honour is offered to him due to his admirable contribution to the poetic literature. We hope all poets and people will accept this.

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Chandan 06 August 2018

Home and love

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Khairul Ahsan 14 June 2018

After replying to a comment of yours on one of my poems, I came to visit your page to read some of yours. But alas! What I came to know here, I was not at all prepared for that. You were very generous in inspiring me by appreciating my poems that you had read. I am grateful to you for that. May Allah, the Almighty, shower His Blessings on you and keep your soul in peace! May He Grant you a place of honor in Paradise on the Day of Judgement!

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Aftab Alam Quotes

Greatest victory which we desire, is to defeat truth and Lo! Truth is undefeated

Never expect anything, ye will never be demoralized

Walk towards the light, put it on your head and then crush your shadow that hides under your feet

Loving own country is to love peace

Envy-Thy art blindness

Will power defeats all powers

Hatred is internal calamity that destroys the keeper

One can't measure the life with its bitterness but with it's sweetness and sweetness is what one must find in Jesus Words

Heaven always shower His mercy on us and we return it with our cruelty

Our thought is our big enemy, guided by ego that walks on evil path

Hopeless are those who suffers the curse of heaven-so be hopeful

we know the art of success; never forget

Till there is the Sun, shall not dew parish

Enticing hope is like lighting candle in the dark room

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